Category Archives: Project milestone

End of NoGOS

The NoGOS project officially ended on Jun. 30th 2016. The blog of this website will not be active anymore, but the scientific content (i.e., results and publications) will be updated until 2020.

Please refer to my personal homepage for the most recent news on my research activities.

End of the outgoing phase

After one and a half unforgettable years in Japan on June 30th, according to the plan of my Marie Curie International Outgoing Fellowship,  I moved back to Switzerland. I am deeply grateful to the people at AORI for the great time spent together and I am looking forward to meet again everyone in the near future!

Below you can enjoy a picture from the last days in Tokyo: this is the proof that for at least once in my life I tried to play pachinko (in Akihabara). It turns out that measuring noble gases is much more fun!


RV Natsushima cruise NT14-07

On April 22nd 2014 the cruise NT14-07 on RV Natsushima started from the port of Shimizu. During the expedition we could collect for the second time various water and sediment samples for noble-gas analysis in the region of the Nankai Trough using the ROV Hyper-Dolphin.


As the weather conditions were almost perfect, we could disembark at the port of Shimonoseki on April 29th 2014 (i.e., one day earlier than expected). More pictures can be found under Expeditions.