Measurement of the samples from cruise NT14-07

A few months after the cruise NT14-07 on RV Natsushima, noble-gas concentrations have been measured in the pore water of sediment samples collected along the Nankai Trough. The results should extend the data set collected during RV Natsushima cruise NT13-08 (see the Expeditions section for some impressions). The evaluation of the measurements should be concluded at the beginning of September.

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RV Shinsei Maru cruise KS14-10

Water and sediment samples have been collected during Shinsei Maru cruise KS14-10 between June 25th 2014 and July 5th 2014. The fieldwork involved almost all members of the Marine Analytical Chemistry group. The expedition covered a region stretching from Kagoshima Bay to Amami Islands with the aim to investigate the hydrothermal activity along the volcanic arc form a geochemical perspective. More pictures can be found under Expeditions.
